Tis the season for gratuitous snow animations in Javascript.
How is this effect achieved? The main thing is adding a single snowflake somewhere along the top of the page (or element) and then moving that snowflake to the bottom. And then doing that again and again, while mixing up the snowflake size/color and movement speed/direction to make it look a little more interesting. Here’s the function (requires jQuery):
function letItSnow(el) {
var colors = ["#fff", "#f3f3f7", "#dadae7"],
fonts = ["Verdana", "Tahoma", "Georgia", "Bookman", "Times"],
flakes = ["*", "❄"]; // 2nd element is unicode snowflake
// if snow added to body, set snow area to viewport
var bbox = el;
if (el === 'body') bbox = window;
// random int between min & max
function rand(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min);
// get random element from array
function randInArray(arr) {
return arr[rand(0, arr.length - 1)];
// adds unique-ish snowflake to page with falling animation
function snow() {
var flake = "<span>" + randInArray(flakes) + "</span>",
left_pos = $(bbox).width() * Math.random(),
fall_time = rand(3000, 10000);
var stylez_start = {
'position': 'absolute',
'top': -50,
'left': left_pos,
'color': randInArray(colors),
'font-family': randInArray(fonts),
'font-size': rand(15, 30),
'opacity': 0.5 + Math.random()
var stylez_end = {
'top': $(bbox).height() - 30,
'left': left_pos + rand(-200, 200),
'opacity': 0.2
// add to screen with initial position and styles,
// animate it (falling & dimming), then remove it from DOM
.animate(stylez_end, fall_time, 'linear', function() {
// adds a new snowflake every 300 milliseconds
setInterval(function() { snow(); }, 300);
To call this function, you simply pass in the element where you want the snow flurries, like letItSnow("#upstate-ny")
or letItSnow("body")
Happy holidays :)